Van Montfoortstraat 15,
2274 SR Voorburg
070-383 34 57

Preventive healthcare, vaccination and VacciCheck

To protect your pet against common infectious diseases, we recommend that you vaccinate your pet annually.

Today we know that it is not necessary to vaccinate against every “core” disease every year. For example, it has been demonstrated that certain vaccinations offer protection for up to 3 years, while other vaccinations must be repeated annually. This also depends on the living conditions and the vaccination history of the animal, especially the early vaccinations at the puppy or kitten stage.

Therefore, there are a number of factors including age, housing (or “environment”?) and vaccination history, that we take into account when vaccinating your animal. This way, vaccination is becoming more tailor-made.

What are we actually vaccinating against?

Dogs are vaccinated against Leptospirosis, infectious hepatitis, canine distemper virus and parvovirus – these are so-called “core” vaccines. In addition, it is also possible to vaccinate against kennel cough and rabies.

Vaccination against Leptospirosis and (if appropriate) kennel cough is still carried out every year. However vaccination for infectious hepatitis, canine distemper virus and parvovirus lasts for three years in adult dogs.

Vaccination against Rabies is compulsory if your pet crosses the border of the Netherlands and can be given from 12 weeks of age. This vaccination is valid for three years and is only valid if given at least three weeks before the date of travel.

We recommend a vaccination against kennel cough in puppies and young dogs, in dogs with a short muzzle (brachycephalic) and in dogs that come into contact with other dogs a lot, such as with day-care service or socialising at the park. Boarding kennels (pensions) almost always require vaccination against kennel cough.

We vaccinate cats against infectious enteritis and cat flu. The vaccination against cat flu must be repeated annually, but the vaccination against infectious enteritis provides protection for three years in an adult animal. Some boarding kennels require an additional vaccination against Bordetella. This comes in the form of a nasal spray that offers protection for one year.

Mandatory rabies vaccination also applies to cats who are going abroad.

Vaccination or titre?

Recently, it is also possible to perform a blood test that looks at the level of the antibodies of a number of the diseases we are vaccinating against.

This blood test is considered to be so reliable, that based on the results of this test a statement can be made about the duration of protection that your pet still holds. We can see if your dog still has enough antibodies for canine distemper virus, infectious hepatitis and parvovirus.

Performing such a blood test is also referred to as “titering.” The test we use for this is the VacciCheck. You dog can have a VacciCheck titration at Dierenkliniek van Montfoort. There is a similar test for the cat. We are not yet implementing this in our practice, but as soon as we start using this test, we will make it clear on our website.

To interpret this test, we follow the guidelines of the WSAVA (World Small Animal Veterinary Association) and NML Health, the distributor of VacciCheck. For more information about the titer process and VacciCheck, visit